Wallets allow Shutterscore merchants to create virtual bank and crypto 'accounts' that are unique to their users or some other entity.
When creating a wallet, a unique id that references the user (who owns this wallet) is required, after which, fiat or crypto accounts may be generated for the user to make deposits. Deposits made to these accounts are tied to the wallet for which they were created and by extension, the user who owns the wallet. The user in this case refers to the Merchant's customer or a third-party/entity that has a relationship with the merchant.
Think of it this way,
Wallet A = User A (That is, Wallet A is a representative of User A)
Wallet A - Static Account = Static Account for User A (static virtual bank account for Wallet A and by extension, User A)
Simply put, wallets allow automatic, instant and uniquely trackable deposits for your users.
Click the links below to learn more.
Updated almost 2 years ago