Instant Deposits
Instant deposits on Shutterscore are done via auto deposit methods. An auto deposit method is a deposit method that does not require manual confirmation of deposit by Shutterscore, before the merchant's account is credited. This usually means that once you make a deposit using the deposit details, the deposit will be automatically confirmed and your balance updated without any additional action, notification or proof of payment will be required from you.
There are 3 major auto deposit methods on Shutterscore:
What happens after making an instant deposit
Immediately you make a payment into the virtual account or crypto wallet address assigned to you, Shutterscore listens for this transaction and fetches the details so that the transaction can be recorded in your Shutterscore transaction history and your balance updated. If you have webhooks enabled and have configured your application to receive webhooks, Shutterscore will send a webhook notification to your application via your webhook url.
Updated almost 2 years ago