Rates play a crucial role in supporting currency swaps and cross withdrawals. When working with the Rate API, there are 3 possible steps,

  • Get Rate,
  • Create Rate
  • Refresh Rate

Depending on your use case, the Get Rate step is optional and can be ignored. This is because, the Create Rate and Refresh Rate steps can be combined to serve the same purpose.

Let's look at each of this steps in detail.


Supported currencies

Before retrieving rate, you have to ensure that the currency pair is supported by Shutterscore and enabled on your account. Click here to see the currency pairs supported by Shutterscore.

  • Get Rate

    Get rate is used when both of the currencies to be converted are unknown. It's also used in situations when the user has not yet committed to performing a transaction and is still browsing or exploring your application.
  1. None of the currencies are known

    In this scenario, the user has not selected a currency, hence the conversion currencies are unknown. However, the merchant may want to return the convertible currencies and also provide an instant rate as the user switches between currencies. The request and responses are given below. As can be seen, the response contains an array of objects with all swappable currency pairs enabled on the merchant's account

    "status": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "rates setting successfully retrieved",
    "data": [
            "pair": "NGN/USDT",
            "buy": {
                "fiat": "NGN",
                "asset": "USDT",
                "to_currency": "USDT",
                "from_currency": "NGN",
                "fee": 1,
                "fee_type": "PERCENTAGE"
                "refresh_in": 90,
                "rate": 741.05,
                "market": "BUY"
            "sell": {
                "fiat": "NGN",
                "asset": "USDT",
                "to_currency": "NGN",
                "from_currency": "USDT",
                "fee": 1,
                "fee_type": "PERCENTAGE"
                "refresh_in": 90,
                "rate": 731.05,
                "market": "SELL"
  1. Both currencies are known

    When both currencies are known, it is important to understand and provide the source currency (from_currency) and the destination currency (to_currency).

    "status": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "rates setting successfully retrieved",
    "data": {
        "fiat": "NGN",
        "asset": "USDT",
        "to_currency": "NGN",
        "from_currency": "USDT",
        "fee": 1,
        "fee_type": "PERCENTAGE",
        "refresh_in": 20,
        "rate": 730.55,
        "market": "SELL"
  • Create Rate

    Create rate is used when both of the currencies to be converted are known and the user has committed to performing a transaction by providing an amount. The amount provided can be either the source amount (from_amount) or the destination amount (to_amount) and not both. Details of the request and response from the API are provided below.

FieldData TypeDescription
from_currencyString - Currency Code. See Supported CurrenciesRequired - Source currency or currency who's balance you have and you want to exchange for the other
to_currencyString - Currency Code. See Supported CurrenciesRequired - Destination currency or currency you want to receive (or payout in the case of a withdrawal)
from_amountNumberRequired when to_amount is not provided - Amount of the source currency to want to exchange
to_amountNumberRequired when from_amount is not provided - Amount of the destination currency you'd like to receive
transaction_typeString - deposit, swap or withdrawalOptional - the type of transaction that the rate will be used for
deposit_methodStringOptional - the deposit method for the deposit transaction. Only required in transactions that use specialised deposit methods e.g binance-pay
withdrawal_methodStringOptional - the withdrawal method for the withdrawal transaction. Only required in transactions that use specialised withdrawal methods e.g mobile-money-payout

    "from_currency": "USDT",
    "to_currency": "GHS",
    "from_amount": 5000
    "status": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Rate successfully created",
    "data": {
        "from_currency": "USDT",
        "to_currency": "NGN",
        "from_amount": 5000,
        "to_amount": 3656200,
        "reference": "2212693c-e2f7-46b6-9c32-24b4d722a3e3",
        "expires_at": "2022-09-30T15:36:34.441Z",
        "settlement_time": "30",
        "fee": 36562,
        "fee_type": "FLAT",
        "rate": 731.25,
        "transaction_type": "SWAP",
        "created_at": "2022-09-30T15:35:04.465Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-09-30T15:35:04.465Z",
        "fiat": "NGN",
        "asset": "USDT",
        "used": false
  • Refresh Rate

    The rate created in the create rate request expires at a certain time. This time is provided by the expires_at property in the response. However, to prevent an unnecessary creation of multiple rates, expired rates can be refreshed and their expiry time extended. A reference to the rate is required to refresh the rate and extend the expiry time.

FieldData TypeDescription
referenceStringRequired - the previously created rate's reference

    "reference": "2212693c-e2f7-46b6-9c32-24b4d722a3e3"
    "status": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Swap refreshed successfully",
    "data": {
        "from_currency": "USDT",
        "to_currency": "NGN",
        "from_amount": 5000,
        "to_amount": 3656250,
        "reference": "2212693c-e2f7-46b6-9c32-24b4d722a3e3",
        "expires_at": "2022-09-30T15:50:29.365Z",
        "settlement_time": "30",
        "fee": 36562.5,
        "fee_type": "FLAT",
        "rate": 731.25,
        "transaction_type": "SWAP",
        "created_at": "2022-09-30T15:35:04.465Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-09-30T15:48:59.000Z",
        "fiat": "NGN",
        "asset": "USDT",
        "used": false

Response properties and description

Below is a table that shows all possible response properties and their description

FieldData TypeDescription
pairString - Currency pair. See Supported Currencies
buyObjectContains properties related to a BUY trade. A buy trade happens when the from_currency is a fiat currency and the to_currency is a cryptocurrency or when the from_currency is less valuable than the to_currency
sellObjectContains properties related to a SELL trade. A SELL trade happens when the from_currency is a cryptocurrency and the to_currency is a fiat or when the from_currency is more valuable than the to_currency
fiatString - Currency code. See Supported CurrenciesFiat Currency
assetString - Currency code. See Supported CurrenciesCryptocurrency
to_currencyString - Currency code. See Supported CurrenciesThis is the currency that will be received (in a swap) or withdrawn (in a withdrawal)
from_currencyString - Currency code. See Supported CurrenciesThis is the currency that will be given or exchanged to get another currency
feeNumberThe fee that applies to the transaction. The fee always applies to the to_amount and is always in to_currency. That is, you will always be charged in the currency you will receive after a swap has been executed.

In the get rate API, fee refers to the amount that will be determined using the fee_type to get a final fee value.

In the create rate API, fee is the final fee value.
fee_typeString - FLAT or PERCENTAGEThis is the kind of fee that will apply. FLAT fee means that the exact value of the fee will be applied. On the other hand, PERCENTAGE means that the fee value is in percentage and should be calculated with the amount to get the final fee value.

Please note that fee_type does not apply to the create rate api as the final fee value has been already been calculated as fee.
refresh_inNumberNumber of seconds it will take for the rate to expire
marketString - BUY or SELLMarket describes the kind of trade that will happen with this specific rate. It can either be BUY or SELL
referenceStringUnique reference to a created rate. Can be used to refresh the rate, perform swaps or execute a cross currency withdrawal.
expires_atStringThe time the rate will expire
settlement_timeNumberApplies to swaps only. It is the Number of minutes it will take before a swap becomes successful and a merchant account is settled in the new currency
transaction_typeString - SWAP or WITHDRAWALThe type of transaction that will be performed with the rate.
created_atStringDateTime string that the rate was created
updated_atStringDateTime string that the rate was last updated